Search for meteorological sonde with RaspberryPi

    Often, the sonde, that you want to search on the field, can not be taken coordinates low enough, so it is necessary to get more accurate coordinates near the landing point, or the situation requires the so called "foxhunt" method start to be need searching the probe. In these cases, this small program can be usefull. To run, we need a Raspberry Pi with a TFT display and touch screen combinations. Since the program is handled via the touch screen, there is no need to connect another things to use it, only an rtl-sdr radio connected to the RPi's USB port. If you want to use the "Fox Hunter" method, you will naturally need a direction-sensitive antenna. If we're just looking for the final coordinates, there is enough en omnidirectional "wire", similar as used at the sonde itself. However, I strongly recommend using the HB9CV type antenna. This antenna has a small size to use it confortable way on the field and it is perfectly enough for both searching and coordinate decoding.


    As a first step, you need to install the raspbian operating system with the graphics interface and the appropriate drivers for the used touchscreen display. If everything works properly, you can install the program itself.
    If you have a newly installed operating system, open the console window and enter it:

sudo wget

this command save the installer to the current directory.
Enter it end put ther this command:

sudo chmod a+x

if everything goes well, then the full of packages comes with all the accessories.

If there is a problem, you can try install by hand. It may be the solves of the problems. This are the commands:

sudo apt-get install cmake build-essential python-pip libusb-1.0-0-dev python-numpy git pandoc -y

sudo apt-get remove rtl-sdr -y

sudo apt-get install git-core libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config cmake -y

git clone

cd rtl-sdr/

mkdir build

cd build



sudo make install

sudo ldconfig

sudo apt-get install sox

sudo pip install pyrtlsdr

mkdir /home/pi/SondeFinder

cd /home/pi/SondeFinder

sudo wget

tar -zxf sondefinder.tar.gz

sudo rm sondefinder.tar.gz

cd Desktop

cp sondefinder.desktop /home/pi/Desktop

cd ..

Once the libraries have been installed and you want to update the program itself, you can write it at the command prompt:


or manually:

cd /home/pi/SondeFinder

sudo wget

tar -zxf sondefinder.tar.gz

sudo rm sondefinder.tar.gz

Setting-up and use it:

    If the program is properly installed, a SondeFinder icon must apper on the the Desktop. Click on it at the touch screen, it is how to program will start.
If you have a problem, try run the program from command line.
cd /home/pi/SondeFinder/
Without the receiver, the program not run!
After the start, the spectrum analyzer must be displayed:

This mode can be used for searching or to determine the direction of the probe. This will make decoding more reliable and faster.
If you need to change the settings, press the CONFIG menu item:

Here you can enter the receive frequency, the sampling rate, the gain, the error correction, the upper and lower limits of the spectrum analyzer, and you can select the type of sonde.
If you exit with the BACK button, the set values will not be stored. When SAVE is selected, the set parameters will be stored and will be valid at the next turn-on or restart. The parameters are stored in the "device.cfg" file. The last line of this file contains the 'debug' parameter. If the value of this is changed to ON, the received data will be continuously written out in the terminal window, both for the probe and for the GPS.
The frequency can be entered as follows:

or select from the list. The list is in the "frequency.lst" file, which can be modified with a text editor. The first data is the identifier of the launch site, the second the frequency is in MHz and third is the type of sonde. Rows starting with "#" are ignored.
  Press CLEAR to reset the parameter, DELETE to delete the last charakter. For CANCEL, the old value will remain, and for ACCEPT the current value will be valid. Similary, other parameters can also be changed.

If everything is oke, then the probe signal must be seen on the spektrum analyzer display.

The program can decode radiosondes: RS41, DFM09, DFM17, PS15, PilotSonde, M10, M20, MP3H1 and iMet. Because the program will mostly be used at a place where the internet is not available, the program does not contain a decoder for RS92 (there would not be enough fresh almanacs or ephemeris available). Because the program does not contain AFC, it can happen that the actual frequency for DFM, PilotSonde and M10 must be set manually. Use the < and > buttons. The signal must be symmetrically positioned against a vertical yellow lines. Although the frequency is only visible to 3 decimal places, it can also be entered with an accuracy of 1 Hz (6 decimal places) in the CONFIG. When you tap on the center of the screen, all the information is disappers, and only the spectral analyzer cover remains. It is convenient to search by signal strength.
If this signal is strong enough, you can try decoding the coordinates:

The data is updated after every flawlessly received data package. In order to return to the spectrum analyzer from this mode after pressing BACK, sometimes you have to wait a few seconds. The current position can be saved with the SAVE key. If you see WAIT with the red background, it means there is no valid data yet. For DFM probes, the probe-identifier should sometimes wait 10 to 15 seconds. The name of the generated file is the identifier of the probe. When the position is stored, the background of the SAVE button changes to olive.
If you connect a GPS receiver with a USB port to a Raspberry (or a conventional GPS receiver with a serial port with a USB-COM converter), we can make it easier. The probe position should first be decoded. It is advisable to save the position with the SAVE button. Then we leave the decoder menu and enter the SEARCH menu. In this case, we'll see this screen:

If the signal from the probe is strong enough or if we have previously decoded the position of the probe and the GPS receiver sees enough satellites to determine our position, then the search can begin. In this mode, both the probe and the GPS reception work continuously, so even the direction of the probe that is still in the air can be continuously established. The yellow arrow shows the direction of our movement and the red dot indicates the direction we should go to the probe. Always hold the red dot on the tip of the yellow arrow. The LAT and LON buttons can be used to manually enter the position we are looking for. This may be good if we are looking for a probe that no longer transmits, but we know its exact position. If the main screen does not appear after pressing the SEARCH button but an error message appears, the error must be corrected. These may be as follows: the GPS receiver is not connected to Raspberry, the serial port speed of the GPS receiver is not well set or the probe has not been decoded before. Since there is no built-in compass, we can only keep the right direction if we are moving. When we stand, the position of the red dot does not change. Unfortunately, this is the price of simple hardware. In the bottom left we see our own current position. We can save our own position with the SOC button (SAVE OWN COORDINATES). Our position is then located in the file named mycoordinates.txt. You can turn on regular backup with the AUTO button. In this case, our own location is saved every 30 seconds, which we can then analyze and plot the path we have taken. The SOC button deletes the old mycoordinates.txt file, and opens a new one. AUTO does not delete the old mycoordinates.txt file. If we want to keep the old route, let's not use SOC, just AUTO.


image of SD card:
image for RPi2, RPi3 and RPi4 too.
default display is the standard HDMI. To swith to the 3.5" display, type at the command prompt:
cd ~/LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD35-show
to switch back to the standard HDMI:
cd ~/LCD-show/
sudo ./LCD-hdmi
if you need calibrate the touch sensor type at the command prompt:

image of SD card: rpi2b.img.gz
new version for RPi2B (os Strech)

full installer old version

full installer for Bullseye32

full installer for Bullseye64

update old version

update for Bullseye32

update for Bullseye64

program  for old OS

program for Bullseye32

program for Bullseye64

old version without gps receiver

the program that inspired me

Software tested with home made USB-GPS (USB-TTL convertor + L86 receiver) and with the GPS-GLONASS dongle: